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Beyond Quantum Healing

BQH (Brain Quake Healing) is an energy and heart based regression experience, often described as one of the most advanced healing modalities on the market today. Sessions may be completed online or in person.

At each session, clients relax into hypnosis and connect with their Inner Beings – also referred to as their Higher Selves, Subconsciouss or Spirit. This relationship may provide them with insight into life, spiritual growth opportunities and answers for any pressing issues.

What is BQH?

BQH is a spiritual, energy-based healing technique that blends hypnosis and energy work, to assist people with physical, emotional and mental healing as well as to connect them with their Higher Selves. Sessions feature both client and practitioner wisdom teams offering guidance regarding health concerns such as relationships, life purpose, cosmic ancestry, karma and much more.

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Candace Craw-Goldman developed this intuitive and heart-centered method as part of her studies in Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). QHHT is an engaging consciousness exploration technique that allows you to access your subconscious, communicate with guides, high self and even ETs or multidimensional beings via deep meditative state of hypnosis.

BQH sessions are similar to QHHT sessions in that they can be completed remotely instead of face-to-face, making this amazing modality accessible to even more people who might otherwise not have experienced it. They also tend to be more flexible as practitioners can work intuitively and incorporate other modalities as needed, creating personalized and custom sessions tailored just for each individual participant who experiences one.

Importantly, your Higher Self (or SC) should never show you anything during a session that goes against your core moral beliefs or core ethical norms – for instance past lives if reincarnation doesn’t resonate with you. This distinction helps maintain the integrity of your healing journey.


At a BQH session, participants relax into a state similar to daydreaming as they communicate with their Higher Self/I AM Presence (SC). When speaking to their SC, participants often find it like talking with an old friend as they gain insights into current life situations, explore other lifetimes or parallel realities, or even just ask any question they have at any point during a session – including questions related to current plans or future goals.

How does BQH work?

BQH is a heart-centered healing modality that facilitates past life regression, spiritual healing and connecting with one’s Higher Self. While similar to hypnosis, BQH varies considerably as its practitioners don’t strictly abide by scripted sessions – instead opting for personalized sessions focused on client’s intentions for more profound changes and results than traditional sessions can offer – effects can be felt physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

BQH sessions involve gentle guidance of the conscious or active mind into trance, opening up communication channels between your subconscious and Higher Self and you. Your practitioner may ask questions or walk through steps during this process; sessions can take place either physically in person or virtually via video conferencing programs.

An initial interview is used to gain more information about the client and create questions for the session itself. Prior to beginning their sessions, clients are instructed to spend some time meditating or otherwise quieting their minds; this helps prepare their mind for entering a trance state more easily while decreasing possible distractions during sessions.

The main focus of a session involves looking back over past lives or parallel realities that might provide answers to one’s current difficulties and struggles. Guides will show their client only what is necessary to help heal and progress further in their healing and growth journey.

An integral component of any healing session involves exploring and healing emotions from this lifetime or past lives that remain unresolved trauma-based conflicts. A Spiritual Counselor (SC) can identify their source and teach individuals how to release these unresolved feelings by offering tools or teaching classes on release techniques.

BQH sessions may also help individuals connect more deeply to their Higher Selves and spirit guides, and gain clarity regarding the purpose and meaning of their existence on this Earth. Furthermore, SC sessions can address any issues related to physical health, relationships, personal growth or spiritual evolution that arise.

Individuals should approach these sessions with caution and an open mind, however many have experienced various positive results from attending these sessions. These outcomes include physical, emotional, or mental healing; increased connection with themselves and relationships; or spiritual growth and awakening.

What are the benefits of BQH?

BQH is an holistic healing modality that can assist individuals in healing themselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is a safe, noninvasive and natural form of therapy which promotes self-healing by getting to the root cause of an imbalance or trauma and encouraging individuals to reconnect with their soul or higher-self and receive guidance and support from angels, spirit guides and loved ones who already work alongside them in this life time.

BQH sessions provide many physical, emotional, and spiritual healing benefits that often become apparent during their practice. People typically report feeling relaxed after participating in one, which helps them better deal with whatever challenges may come their way in life. They can also release any blocks they are holding onto – whether from past lives, parallel lives, inherited traumas, etc.

Clients seeking BQH sessions often come seeking more in-depth answers to issues they’ve been unable to resolve on their own, such as why certain behavioral patterns persist, their soul purpose, or where their star origin lies. Your practitioner will communicate with your Higher Self during this session in order to provide these answers for you.

QHH sessions may also prove invaluable for individuals experiencing health conditions that cannot be fully explained by modern medicine, including autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, mood fluctuations and even life-threatening illnesses. Such symptoms could be the result of past life traumas or beliefs from previous lives that are now impacting present day experiences.

BQH practitioners differ from many other forms of hypnosis by not following a set script during sessions, instead opting to consult their intuition in order to create sessions tailored specifically for their clientele. They may even incorporate techniques from other modalities like energy healing, sound therapy or Reiki into the session should that prove helpful.

As part of their preparation for a QHH session, individuals should incorporate meditation practice into their daily schedule in order to quiet the mind and achieve deep relaxation and trance states. The more relaxed and open an individual is during a session, the better will be its outcome.

Are BQH sessions safe?

BQH (Brain Quizzing Hypnosis) is a form of hypnosis that allows clients to access their subconscious and higher-dimensional selves for healing and self-discovery purposes. A BQH session allows clients to communicate with past lives, future lives, Higher Selves, angels and spirit guides; you may even find healing for physical, emotional, mental or spiritual issues with this approach.

At a BQH session, clients are guided into a light state of trance to access deeper parts of themselves capable of addressing all aspects of their being. The goal is to connect with one’s Higher Self and receive answers to any queries pertaining to purpose of life or dealing with certain situations encountered daily; or perhaps healing any specific physical, emotional, or mental challenges they are currently experiencing.

A session can feel similar to being in a daydream; others refer to it as soul travel or mind expansion. Your practitioner will ask you to lay back, relax and close your eyes as they lead you through releasing any negative beliefs, thoughts and emotions while connecting with the highest aspect of yourself – this process may help free you of blocks or trauma from this lifetime or past lives, as well as all times spent as an earthling soul.

Though many may remain skeptical of BQH sessions, many individuals who undergo them report many benefits – from improved health and wellness across multiple dimensions (physical, emotional and mental), to enhanced self-understanding and connecting more closely to God.

Dolores Cannon, an internationally-recognized Quantum Healer and teacher once said that “90% of what happens during a session depends on you”. If you refuse to let go of any limiting beliefs that are keeping you back from experiencing its full benefits, BQH might not provide them. But with an open mindset and willingness to expand consciousness it can provide truly transformative results.


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