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Learn to Heal Yourself With a Quantum Healing Workshop

Learn to reduce stress, increase vitality, and heal yourself through this potency energy healing workshop. It features practical techniques that unite science, medicine, and spirituality into one practical training experience. Plus you will discover how language and emotions lock dis-ease into the body, revealing how specific techniques can quickly release them!

Tyler Odysseus (and Richard Gordon for two modules) are expert instructors-trainers on Quantum-Touch healing practices and principles, making this 12-module course an invaluable educational experience. Each session builds seamlessly upon its predecessor to give participants an in-depth knowledge of quantum healing principles and practices.

How it works

Quantum healing utilizes energy to promote holistic health on both physical and spiritual levels. It takes inspiration from quantum physics’ suggestion that everything is interconnected via consciousness. Body energy plays a significant role in this connection, so quantum healing methods aim to balance and harmonize it for optimal wellbeing. Those qualified to provide quantum healing have various tools at their disposal such as hands-on healing techniques and energy field manipulation that they use in offering this therapy which has the power to reduce stress while improving emotional well-being.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Quantum healing practitioners can manipulate the energy field of the body by setting an intention and channeling this energy toward where healing is required, helping the body heal itself while alleviating symptoms. They may also provide advice about diet or treatment plans which can facilitate healing.

The quantum healing workshop draws its inspiration from quantum physics principles. These principles challenge Newtonian views of matter as solid, independent entities; for example, quantum physics proposes that particles may exist simultaneously in multiple states at the same time (superposition) and interconnect even over long distances (quantum entanglement), supporting beliefs that consciousness influences physical reality. Furthermore, quantum physics demonstrates that an observer effect can alter experimental results directly impacting their energetic fields as in quantum healing sessions.

Quantum healing practitioners believe that this unified field of consciousness, or “quantum field,” is at the root of all physical and mental healing, offering infinite potentials to their clients’ physical wellbeing and greater peace and well-being. They use these possibilities to help their clients realize their innate healing potential which exists beyond physical reality within deeper levels of awareness and consciousness.



Quantum healing workshops are an invaluable way to boost personal wellness. Offering safe and noninvasive healing for the energy fields in your body, quantum healing workshops provide a safe way of connecting with higher self. Practice can help manage stress and boost immune systems allowing natural healing processes within the body – while even possibly helping prevent conditions like heart disease and cancer from manifesting themselves.

Quantum healing is founded on the idea that physical ailments are often not caused by body chemistry alone but by imbalances or disharmonies in an individual’s energy field. Healing attempts aim to rebalance this energy field to restore equilibrium and wellness. While this method should not replace traditional medical treatment altogether, but rather act as an adjunctive measure.

Quantum healing offers numerous advantages, including increased energy, mental clarity and emotional resilience. Many individuals also report relief from physical symptoms like migraines or chronic pain. Furthermore, quantum healing may help relieve stress and anxiety for a better quality of life and restful nights’ rest.

Quantum healing practitioners are trained to work with different energy frequencies that can stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and hasten recovery time in clients with chronic illnesses. Some quantum healing practitioners even provide virtual or online sessions, making treatment even more accessible for busy clients.

Before signing up for a quantum healing session, be sure to inquire into your practitioner’s qualifications and experience. While there is no official governing body or certification program for quantum healers, many have completed training programs or courses in energy healing modalities like Reiki or Quantum Touch and may even possess experience in complementary therapies like acupuncture and massage therapy.

Quantum healing practitioners employ both hands-on and distant energy healing as primary techniques, with hands-on sessions supplemented by remote sessions a few inches away to remove blockages in patients’ energy fields and help their bodies to heal themselves. Furthermore, meditation and deep relaxation sessions will be conducted so you feel at ease throughout each session.

Courses offered

Quantum healing workshops have experienced a surge in popularity in recent years. Combining elements of philosophy with non-traditional approaches to health, this course gives participants a deeper understanding of the connection between mind, body and energy field, providing tools for both personal and professional growth in addition to being offered online and in person.

Quantum healing courses teach individuals to harness positive energy powers to transform their state of being and heal themselves and others remotely, release emotional traumas, increase physical wellbeing, and foster better relationships. These techniques draw on principles from quantum mechanics which states that particles may exist simultaneously in various states while all being interconnected – which serves as the basis of quantum healing techniques.

As well as covering the fundamentals of quantum physics, these courses will also show you how to harness your intention and connect with the universe. Entanglement theory also plays an integral part of quantum healing as particles can instantly connect across distance barriers – an idea which challenges our traditional views of cause-and-effect relationships but nonetheless remains integral for healing processes.

Johanne has over 15 years of experience helping individuals worldwide, and brings her unique teaching style, deep experience and passion into the classroom – creating engaging classes focused on experiential learning that help individuals unlock their positive energy sources and discover healing within themselves.

This course covers 10 principals of Quantum Healing in-depth and offers a full immersion training experience. To fully benefit, each day must be cleared off in your schedule; remote participants must log onto Zoom each day of training (sessions run from 8:30am-6pm AEST); this session takes place on the Gold Coast EAWTC Training Space or via zoom (if attending Hybrid course).

Online courses

Online quantum healing courses provide an effective and flexible means of learning the principles behind this form of energy healing. Many are taught by renowned healers; some even provide free workshops!

Dis-ease can often be linked to negative energy patterns trapped within our energetic systems. This could be caused by trauma, unprocessed emotions or being affected by dark energies not your own that disrupt vibrational alignment with higher consciousness causing symptoms and illnesses to surface in our lives. Unfortunately, our current medical model rarely addresses such disruptions instead prescribing drugs to mask symptoms rather than treat their root cause.

In this course, you will discover how to harness the power of your personal vibrational field to access universal Life Force Energy and connect with quantum intelligence fields on both sides. Furthermore, you will discover new ways of activating intuitive chakra powers as well as absolute scalar waves; identify beings who could negatively or positively influence you; and develop the skills necessary to ensure safe energetic boundaries for yourself and others.

This course will teach you how to access infinite energy and rebalance the body’s energy centers in order to help people heal. Furthermore, you will also gain skills in quickly identifying the source of disease and using specific techniques to rapidly release it; and finally how to communicate with spirit world to find an ideal path for each client.

After you complete this course, you will have a comprehensive grasp of the fundamental concepts of Quantum Healing Therapy and be equipped to apply its methods in your practice and build a firm foundation for future careers as a holistic practitioner. Guided sessions with Cyndi are included to help you master new energy tools and refine clairvoyance abilities; advanced energy healing techniques as well as practical exercises and demonstrations will also be presented during this program.


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