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Quantum Healing at Scalar Lounge

Quantum healing is an alternative wellness approach that uses energy, frequency and vibrations for pain management and stress relief in an all-natural way.

QHHT is an innovative mind-body method for exploring your “why,” finding deeper healing and spiritual development, and discovering past-life memories. The method combines hypnosis, energy work and past life regression into one effective package.

Scalar Lounge

Scalar Lounge offers an innovative energy healing experience using the revolutionary Perth EESystem – a technological marvel which enhances our bodies natural ability to heal. By creating an enhanced energy field and stimulating cell regeneration, detoxification and increased vitality, this revolutionary device helps ensure better health for those using its services.

Vivienne Spanopoulos is an internationally acclaimed yoga teacher, bioenergetics practitioner and detox practitioner who recently returned home to Australia in order to introduce the first EESystem system in Perth, Western Australia. This cutting-edge technology emits life-enhancing frequencies which counteract harmful EMFs and other environmental toxins found within its surroundings.

EESystem is a 24-unit quantum photonic energy enhancement system that emits multiple bio-active energy fields, including hyper-clean scalar waves that resonate with our bodies to cleanse, heal and harmonize all aspects of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Furthermore, these waves also contain information which may alter molecular structure within cells to improve body functionality thereby optimizing overall body functioning.

EESystem energy is non-invasive and completely safe, without producing any side effects or discomfort. Some individuals may experience detox symptoms as stored toxins are released from their bodies. Once completed, many clients report feeling more energized, sleeping better, and experiencing greater emotional clarity and peace of mind. Remote scalar frequencies are available for those unable to make it in person for treatments or who prefer an ongoing infusion of frequencies throughout their day; this option requires sending a photo of yourself via an efficient delivery mechanism to ensure it reaches its target destination successfully.


The EESystem is an advanced energy healing system that taps into your body’s inherent ability for wellness. Drawing inspiration from ancient healing traditions that recognize the vital role energy plays in promoting wellbeing, it utilizes non-invasive quantum physics techniques to assess and balance your energy field as well as to enhance healing potential by connecting you to energy at frequencies compatible with your own frequency.

The revolutionary EESystem was developed to produce bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, known as “scalar waves.” These frequencies resemble harmonic vibrations that work together to encourage cell regeneration and boost immune function while alleviating pain, detoxifying your body, and even balancing out right and left hemispheres of your brain to boost cognitive functions and increase energy levels.

During a session, the EESystem uses energy waves to stimulate your cells’ natural healing and rejuvenation processes, improving cellular energy and encouraging the removal of toxic substances from your body. Furthermore, this approach assists peak performance, eliminating obstacles to success while elevating consciousness to new heights.

While many guests report feeling relaxed and rejuvenated after participating in an EESystem session, others may experience detoxification symptoms like dull headaches or body aches due to new energy being introduced into your body. While these side effects are temporary and will fade as your body adjusts, for optimal results it is essential that hydration be practiced post session to ensure maximum benefit is attained from each experience as well as to avoid processed food and drinks that contain processed chemicals.

The EESystem has been independently studied by multiple third parties and scientific evidence supports its effectiveness. Studies conducted to test its viability have demonstrated how scalar waves are capable of stimulating cell regeneration, improving immune function and even helping restore the original energy matrix in our bodies. With its proven results and wide array of uses this unique technology is an ideal way for individuals looking to optimize their health and performance potential.


Qigong, an ancient Chinese practice that combines flowing movement, meditation and breath regulation to increase natural energy flows within the body, is an integral component of Traditional Chinese Medicine and can be used for anything from improving blood circulation to strengthening immunity systems and internal organs. Ancient alchemists of China believed that Qigong can help everyone find health and longevity by cultivating regularly as part of a regular Qigong practice regimen.

Qigong can be learned by just about anyone, with many beginning with the Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade to establish a firm foundation. As soon as students feel ready, they are encouraged to explore all facets of this magnificent art such as medical qigong, martial arts forms, and meditative forms of this magnificent tradition.

Qigong movements help relax the muscles and joints, relieving tension that has built up over time. By increasing energy flow throughout the body, these exercises stimulate healing processes while improving organ performance – this also has an impactful positive impact on mood as well as chronic pain relief.

Medical practitioners can access qigong at its energetic level (shen), allowing patients to connect to universal or divine energy sources depending on their spiritual beliefs. Shen qigong has proven beneficial in alleviating fatigue and emotional distress in cancer patients.

Medical Qigong offers many advantages that make it ideal for daily practice and isn’t strenuous exercise, making it suitable for all ages and physical limitations – making it suitable for people living with arthritis or chronic diseases as it has low-impact exercises that can be modified according to age or physical limitations. Research shows it to be helpful in managing symptoms related to osteoporosis, chronic respiratory disorders and cardiovascular diseases as well as helping manage stress management.

Chinese alchemists of old believed in the power of Qi to heal all aspects of human beings – body, mind and spirit alike. Through various practices and philosophies they created methods for balancing body energies while aligning them with mental and emotional health issues.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy is an alternative method of relaxation that uses vibration to heal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual conditions. The practice relies on the theory that everything vibrates at frequencies; when these vibrationss become unbalanced they lead to illness. Sound therapy is designed to decrease stress levels, promote better sleep quality and create feelings of deep well-being; its aim is also to balance our endocrine systems through healthy hormone production while relieving chronic pain relief as well as stimulate cell regeneration for improved cellular health.

Sound therapy practitioners utilize an assortment of instruments ranging from earthy gongs to delicate crystal singing bowls. The sounds produced by these instruments range from rhythmic beats to melodious tones designed to shift different energies within the body. One popular technique used in sound healing is sound bath, an immersive relaxation experience using soothing sounds combined with simple mindfulness techniques for healing and relaxation. Studies have demonstrated its benefits: lower heart rate variability, relaxing brainwave patterns, improving sleep quality as well as providing safe meditation practice alongside other therapeutic practices.

Practitioners of sound healing often incorporate drumming circles into their practice as an additional form of community healing. Drumming circles have been used for centuries as an ancient means to synchronize brain waves and induce a meditative state while simultaneously creating feelings of unity, well-being and creativity among participants.

Vocal toning and chanting are another widely used sound healing techniques, offering people an ancient art to harness the healing potential of their voices for emotional release, as well as self-expression. Vocal toning can provide an ideal venue to release emotional buried beneath addiction or trauma – creating an opportunity to discover deeper self-expression, while sound healing offers safe spaces where feelings may surface that might otherwise remain locked within.
