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Quantum Touch the Power to Heal

Quantum Touch the Power to Heal (QTPH) is an energetic healing technique widely endorsed by physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists and other health care practitioners. Plus it’s easy enough for novices to pick up.

QT teaches us to focus and amplify life-force energy (known as chi, qi or prana in other cultures) using resonance and entrainment principles for maximum benefit to our body’s natural healing processes. This high vibrational energy accelerates this natural healing process.

Easy to learn

Quantum touch is an energy healing system designed to educate both lay people and professionals to channel universal life force (also referred to as chi or prana) into their bodies through breathing techniques and body awareness exercises, creating a high-vibrational energy field which heals and balances. Endorsed by various health care professionals such as physicians, acupuncturists and chiropractors – as well as helping move bones back into alignment, decrease pain/inflammation levels and balance glands/organs; the method can even be applied on pets!

Quantum-Touch, like Reiki, is an energy healing technique that utilizes resonance and entrainment for therapeutic effects. But unlike Reiki’s attunements to reach proficiency levels, Quantum-Touch can be learned by anyone willing to put in the effort and can even move bones back into alignment using only light touches! Many who attend live or video workshops discover this amazing ability themselves!

Quantum-Touch training workshops focus on teaching practitioners specialized breathing techniques that raise their vibration to very high levels, so when energy is sent out into another person it entrains and matches this higher frequency allowing their biological intelligence to take control and often result in healing results.

Quantum-Touch uses quantum physics principles and resonance to transmit healing energy into body’s cells. Energy is transmitted via touch or thought directly into areas needing healing; once delivered, body’s cells adapt their structures in response to new energy patterns resulting in overall body healing.

Energy healing techniques like Reiki can provide an excellent supplement to existing therapies and can easily be integrated into existing practices. Reiki’s ability to correct posture and align the spine is especially useful for relieving back pain as well as alleviating emotional distress; additionally, it can boost massage therapy, acupuncture or chiropractic treatments’ efficacy.

Many practitioners of other healing modalities find Quantum-Touch an easy and seamless addition to their practices, and children find the experience valuable in learning self and group healing techniques. Quantum-Touch also serves as an invaluable teaching tool.

Extremely powerful

Quantum-Touch stands out among many effective hands-on healing modalities on the market as an innovative and gentle hands-on healing modality, using Life Force Energy of the body to facilitate and accelerate its natural healing process. A practitioner simply creates a field of high energy around an area in need of healing before allowing the body to adapt. The result is an accelerated healing process which reduces pain, stress and discomfort.

Quantum touch is founded upon the idea that everything is made up of energy – body, universe and all matter are vibrations of this vital source of life force. When we feel pain or discomfort it’s because something has gone off-kilter with this flow. When this energy returns to normal it solves our issue. Quantum-Touch has proven especially effective at relieving pain, eliminating inflammation, balancing glands and organs, speeding recovery from injuries, healing emotional traumas quickly as well as increasing overall wellness by strengthening immune systems.

Richard Gordon has written an operator’s manual-style book which makes energy work accessible and powerful for anyone to learn, no matter their background in health sciences or medicine. Even those without prior training in healing techniques can utilize it on themselves and others – medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, nurses have endorsed this technique which now being used in alternative health practices across many different regions.

Quantum touch has proven its remarkable power for numerous clients. They have found it effective in relieving back and neck pain, realigning the skeletal structure, balancing glands and organs, increasing flexibility, decreasing menstrual cramping, strengthening immune systems and healing wounds, cuts or burns – not forgetting its beneficial effect in relieving stress and increasing mental clarity.

Quantum Touch stands out as one of the few healing techniques that doesn’t require long years of study or present various challenges to learning and application, such as other healing modalities that need extensive study or understanding and application hurdles, making it accessible and useful for many other healing modalities, particularly massage therapy and chiropractic practices. Many practitioners have discovered its power by making use of it. It has become widely adopted over time due to its ease of learning and effectiveness – becoming a perfect complement to these healing modalities and finding it an indispensable addition.

Easy to teach

Quantum-Touch stands out from other healing modalities by being simple enough for children to learn quickly. This revolutionary energy healing system provides hands-on healing in its purest form; teaching us to focus, amplify and direct universal life force energy for surprising yet often surprising results.

Practitioners learn to raise their vibration and maintain high levels of energy in their hands using breathing and body awareness techniques, creating an incredible powerful field of energy that can be directed toward areas of pain, stress, inflammation or disease – this process is known as resonance and entrainment; once surrounding an area in need, the energy field entrains with its higher vibrational level so the body’s biological intelligence responds and starts taking steps necessary for its healing.

Energy healing techniques have an incredible ability to accelerate a person’s own natural healing abilities, reduce and eliminate pain and discomfort, as well as speed recovery from surgery – doctors and surgeons have often been amazed at how quickly patients recover when using this approach.

Another use for Reiki healing is helping balance energy centers known as chakras and toning them. Many practitioners find that it enhances other health care modalities like massage, acupuncture and Reiki – especially useful in improving athletic performance by increasing energy levels and strengthening physical abilities.

Quantum-Touch has so impressed health care professionals that many have adopted it into their practices. Chiropractors, physical therapists and nurses all find its techniques invaluable – simple enough even children could pick them up – yet powerful enough to amaze physicians and even enhance results from other health care modalities.

Perfect for everyone

Energy healing is often perceived to be limited to new-age communities or spiritually inclined people; in reality it’s available and can be utilized by anyone at any time – not only limiting to vegetarianism or spiritualism. Energy healing has proven invaluable for helping heal injuries and diseases while rebalancing emotions, aligning bones and relieving pain & inflammation; many have even found its use life changing!

Quantum Touch is an energy healing technique that teaches individuals how to harness universal Life Force Energy for healing themselves and others. The technique utilizes breathing and body awareness techniques that increase vibrational frequency to tap into this extraordinary healing energy and cultivate it, as well as chakras, toning, and vortexing techniques which turbo charge sessions. Many practitioners of other healing modalities like massage therapy, acupuncture or Reiki find Quantum-Touch an invaluable addition that complements and even amplifies their work.

Quantum-Touch differs from Reiki in that the practitioner does not need to become “attuned”. Instead, a series of breathing and body awareness exercises help focus and amp up chi or life force energy within themselves; once raised their vibration they can transmit this high frequency energy directly into clients’ bodies so they can begin the natural healing process themselves.

Quantum-Touch can help realign bones, ease back pain, heal cancer and other diseases, balance hormones and soothe emotional distress. It has been used in combination with any other healing modalities as attested to by physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists and acupuncturists – as well as by animals that often respond quickly to energy healing techniques.

Quantum-Touch is simple for children to learn and can benefit people of any age or background. It makes an excellent complement to leading a healthier diet and lifestyle, providing quick results while other may need additional sessions for lasting effects. Not only is Quantum-Touch beneficial in healing the body, it can also recharge immunity systems while supporting those around you.
