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Remote Group Energy Healing

remote group energy healing

All of us unconsciously lend healing energy to others every day.

Scientific research into group distance healing has demonstrated its powerful impact on holistic well-being, with participants experiencing immediate reductions in physical pain and tension, along with an enhanced sense of peace and calmness.

How it works

Remote energy healing employs quantum physics principles and the power of intention to promote balance and wellbeing in individuals anywhere around the globe, regardless of physical location. It’s noninvasive, non-invasive and available 24-7.

A healer accesses an energy field of their recipient through an analogous process to tuning in to radio station, connecting with its vibrational frequency and then channeling healing intentions toward them despite being physically located thousands of miles apart.

Usui Reiki sessions typically focus on activating only four chakras at any one time so as to focus and effectively treat those receiving healing, due to limitations in terms of available energy and how quickly it can be transmitted between patients.

Working remotely in groups to receive healing can be the most powerful method, often leading to increased effects due to collective consciousness at work in these sessions. Participants typically feel tingling, see colors or experience different sensations and become deeply relaxed during these sessions.

Remote healing doesn’t require you to be in the same location as your healer; all you need is a safe and uninterrupted space where you can sit or lie down for at least an hour to relax into it. While sleeping may happen during this process, even if it doesn’t, know that something wonderful is taking place deep within yourself that will benefit both of us immensely.

Keep in mind that certain energies cannot be remotely healed; for instance if someone is trying to harm or maliciously intend towards you. In order to heal them successfully, energy must flow between you and them and it cannot do this if one party actively blocks this. It is therefore advisable not attempt healing on someone you don’t know well such as just because they’re famous.


Energy healing offers many advantages; from relieving physical discomfort and stress relief, to creating an inner sense of calmness and connection with nature and all life on this planet.

Rachel’s work is non-invasive and focused on improving the wellbeing of both humans and animals alike. Although changes may appear subtle at first, over time their effects become clear. Many of Rachel’s clients have shared stories of transformation spanning multiple years – some dramatic while others more subtly; these include increased clarity of mind, more equanimity, and being able to move past old patterns that no longer serve them.

This method of healing is based on the belief that everything, physical or non-physical, contains an underlying subtle energy system. Utilizing principles from quantum physics and focused intention being not constrained by space and time limits means a healer can send healing energy across distance to their client without restrictions on where or when.

Participants of Magdalena Energy Healing’s qualitative research reported experiencing physical, mental, social, and spiritual benefits from their remote energy healing sessions. Some were immediate – such as experiencing more restful sleep – while others developed over time – such as experiencing gratitude or forgiveness more deeply or feeling closer to spiritual practices or divine guides.

Remote healing provides an affordable and flexible alternative to more traditional forms of treatment, especially for those unable to travel long distances for treatment or living in areas with limited healthcare services. Energy healing also offers an economical, non-invasive means of improving wellbeing amidst these challenging economic times.

Remote energy healing offers numerous advantages, and its technology keeps evolving to become more readily available. There’s no doubt about it: remote group energy healing sessions have become an increasing part of daily life around the globe; more people than ever are joining these sessions and reporting positive results, even when their individual problem may be difficult to pinpoint.


Energy healing should be seen as a two-way street; you cannot expect someone who doesn’t wish to be healed to accept your help, or who resists your attempts at entering their energy field; often this resistance is conscious or unconscious and driven by their spiritual beliefs; nevertheless it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try reaching these people anyway.

Bioqr healing should not be seen as a replacement for medical treatment; rather it serves as an adjunctive modality that may help alleviate stress, anxiety, and pain while hastening healing processes with traditional medication. Studies have revealed that Bioqr can reduce recovery times up to 30% faster.

As remote healing sessions take place on an emotional rather than physical plane, it’s essential that you unwind before and during them in order to achieve maximum benefit. You won’t see or hear energy moving around your body during sessions; rather, it may come across as a warm sensation that you may sense through body scans. Therefore, bathing or lying down before hand is recommended, along with drinking plenty of water afterward.

Although most of us are naturally open to healing energy, many are uncertain how or when to tap into it or use it. The good news is that there are numerous healing modalities available and all work; each modality differs in its framework or technique – such as Reiki practitioners giving healing energy directly to clients; other techniques, like Bodytalk and IET(r), may focus more on channeling energy where needed.

No matter the modality, energy healing sessions typically follow a similar ritual: setting an intention and tapping into universal healing energy. A practitioner will then amp up this energy before sending it onward to its intended recipient – often times, energy can also be directed directly into certain areas of the body to address issues like chronic pain, inflammation, cell ageing and emotional wellbeing.
