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Remote Healer – Meet Adam, 16, a 16-Year-Old With Extrasensory Abilities

Adam is a Canadian teenager with extrasensory abilities who possesses a remarkable gift: healing remotely. By scanning clients’ auras for energy congestion or blockages, Adam directs their bodies through a remote healing session to bring harmony back into balance.

Adams explores how healing and peak spiritual experience are closely aligned, creating harmony in the nonlocal field of consciousness. He offers compelling testimonials of powerful healings as well as outlining an integrated model for healing.

Emotional & Mental

Adam, 16, may seem ordinary; he plays sports, lifts weights, and spends time with his girlfriend – but Adam’s parents know something extraordinary is at play here – they know he sees energy fields, commonly known as auras; an ability inherited from both maternal great-grandmother and native shamans on his father’s side of his family tree.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Therapists who have observed sessions using empathogens such as MDMA report that many individuals’ experience of taking empathogens is transformative: instinctual awareness and body structures become coordinated; imagery, attitudes, and feelings in the mind become enhanced with spiritual meaning and meaningful purpose.

Therapists and observers also note that when individuals take MDMA with clear intentions, they can remember a conscious flashback of the state – a kind of spiritual time travel – enabling them to use this memory as a means to manage difficult life situations more effectively. One therapist estimates that in five hours of an MDMA session clients could activate and process psychic material that normally would take months of weekly therapy sessions to accomplish.


Adam appears to be like any other 16-year-old; tall, handsome and with dark fluff on his upper lip. He enjoys basketball, snowboarding and lifting weights – not unlike most teens – while also seeing energy fields surrounding people called auras.


He coined this technique “movement healing,” and has seen professional athletes benefit greatly from it, both to remain healthy and recover quickly. Since then, he’s made movement healing available to everyone living on planet earth (that includes everyone!). He’s even worked with some of the top endurance athletes around.

Spiritual & Energetic

Human bodies are intricate networks of interlinked energy fields. What happens on one level can have a profound effect on other levels, affecting physical and emotional well-being directly. Many chronic health conditions are due to unresolved stress or trauma on different planes of existence; I use various healing modalities to locate all congested or stuck energies before offering holistic approaches that restore vitality to all parts of your being and bring about vibrant health once more.

Therapists and observers have observed that Adam (MDMA) sessions can break down barriers between the mind, emotions, and body to facilitate coordination of all three. Spirit or self can no longer be felt as some faraway abstraction but can instead become tangible energy that infuses body structures as well as images and attitudes of mind. When taken sincerely for therapeutic reasons MDMA can often help individuals resolve long-standing intrapsychic conflicts or interpersonal problems quickly – one therapist estimated that during one Adam session clients could activate and process psychic material equivalent to six months worth of weekly therapy sessions!


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