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Remote Healing Therapist Ottawa

remote healing therapist ottawa

Remote Healing Therapist Ottawa provides counselling and therapy services over the phone or internet, making this an easy, secure way for individuals who live far away from a therapist’s office to receive help from professional counselors.

Aileen McKenna first became exposed to energy medicine for individuals and the planet during her first visit to Findhorn Foundation in 1988, then started studying Quantum Touch practitioner/instructor certification and associate polarity practitioner practices since 1992.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing practice used to address mental, emotional and physical conditions. The goal of reiki is to relax and soothe its patients so they may find more balance in their lives and improve their health by encouraging restful sleep, cutting stress levels and strengthening immune systems. Although more research must be conducted to confirm its efficacy, early indications suggest reiki can reduce heart rates, blood pressures, pain levels and promote healing.

Reiki sessions typically last 30-60 minutes. A practitioner lies the patient down fully clothed on an examination table or chair and gently rests (or hovers) their hands over various parts of their body – including heat or tingling sensations, visualizations or memories that arise during the experience. All this may add an extra dimension of benefit.

Reiki is composed of two Japanese words: “rei” means universal life force and “ki” stands for energy. All living things possess this energy within them, though sometimes this flow becomes blocked due to factors like lifestyle or mental/physical illness. Reiki practitioners use energy healing practices such as Reiki to identify any blocks to the flow and clear them away in order to facilitate natural healing processes within the body.

Some patients have seen improvement from just one session; however, for maximum effectiveness it is generally advised that at least three are completed for maximum effectiveness. At each appointment the practitioner will focus on those parts of your body most in need of healing.

Reiki therapy can provide great help to those experiencing anxiety and depression, headaches and abdominal cramps, chronic backache and more. Furthermore, Reiki may even reduce an individual’s perception of pain while increasing tolerance to it.

Reiki is a form of energy healing.

Reiki practitioners use hand placements on the body to initiate healing through Reiki sessions. By matching energy centres of the body with hand positions that trigger Reiki healing sessions, practitioners have reported relief for minor conditions like headaches and stomachaches as well as major health conditions like heart disease and cancer. Reiki may even offer psychological advantages by helping reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Studies have demonstrated the power of parasympathetic-dominant relaxation to assist in healing processes, with Reiki supporting this mode of relaxation. Reiki stimulates your body’s own innate healing mechanism by restoring equilibrium on all levels and can aid with sleep issues, chronic pain management and overall feelings of wellbeing.

Energy healing sessions can be conducted both in person or remotely and are noninvasive. Sessions usually last 20-90 minutes, during which the practitioner may ask their client if they feel anything during treatment; if he or she detects any blockages or imbalances within their body, this information may also be shared with them.

Reiki operates under the belief that when one’s energy drops too low, they become stressed or unwell; conversely, when their energy is higher they become happier and healthier. Reiki can be used alongside traditional medical and therapeutic techniques – for instance at Cleveland Clinic’s Integrative Wellness Centre which features Reiki alongside yoga and deep breathing as part of their holistic approach to care.

Reiki treatments for pets have also proven highly beneficial. Studies have revealed that animal Reiki sessions can reduce stress and anxiety levels, promote relaxation, help sleep quality and even aid recovery from illnesses faster. Furthermore, its energy can assist the animal’s natural healing abilities allowing faster recovery times.

People may believe reiki can treat serious conditions, yet its efficacy has yet to be scientifically demonstrated and is unlikely to replace traditional medical treatment. Insurance providers may cover its use when used alongside other therapies related to healthcare.

Reiki sessions are individualized.

Reiki sessions are tailored specifically to each client and the energy that flows is determined by what’s going on in their lives at that particular time. Reiki may bring physical, emotional or spiritual healing; for instance it could assist with anxiety, stress, depression insomnia aches pains emotional trauma. Furthermore, Reiki sessions may increase immune function digestive aiding digestive health regeneration of cells as well as assist cellular renewal.

At a Reiki treatment, a practitioner lays their hands lightly over various parts of the body – without manipulating tissue – including head and shoulders, abdomen and legs and feet. Reiki’s energy flows directly from their hands into their client’s energy field then the ailment being treated. Reiki treatments usually feel like a warm glow that fills them with feelings of relaxation, peace and well-being that promote healing.

Energy healers sometimes utilize tools like crystals or singing bowls to call upon energy from within and channel it directly towards their clients. These tools may also be preprogrammed with healing intentions to ensure energy flows in an effective way during each session – something both the practitioner and client benefit from as it ensures the energy flows where intended.

As clients receive Reiki sessions, it is best for them to remain comfortable in a relaxing position free from interruption during their treatment session. Some individuals may feel temperature fluctuations in their bodies, tingling in their hands and feet or an overall sense of lightness as energy blockages are released during therapy; others simply feel at peace during this experience.

After each session is over, it is beneficial for clients to rest and recoup. Hydration by drinking an energized glass of water may also aid their recovery; activities that stress their mind or body should also be avoided; finally they should try getting some quality sleep.

Before every session, healers and clients should engage in energetic protection exercises to combat negative energy. Healers may visualize a white light shield to filter out negativity; clients should check in with themselves periodically to assess receptivity and emotional state, adjusting boundaries as necessary.

Reiki sessions are a form of spiritual activation.

Reiki sessions are gentle and noninvasive experiences. Clients lie fully clothed on a treatment table while their Reiki practitioner lightly places her hands over various parts of their body to deliver energy that flows directly from them into those parts that need healing. Clients may feel deep relaxation during sessions; even sleeping could occur as their body absorbs this vitality. This is perfectly normal and indicates how efficiently it’s working to bring balance back into their bodies.

Reiki sessions utilize the universal life force energy present in all living things; often referred to as “universal life force energy” or biofield therapy. While not a replacement for medical care, Reiki can be used in tandem with treatments like prescription medication and physical therapy to ease stress relief and promote relaxation while increasing effectiveness.

Reiki activates our natural healing capacity by helping us return to a state of wholeness and reconnecting us to our Source. Reiki releases negative emotions like anger, fear and sadness while encouraging self-love and helping break family karmic patterns that span three-five generations. Furthermore, it increases brain utilization for greater mental clarity.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of Reiki to reduce pain, improve sleep quality and accelerate healing in the body. Reiki sessions may even help alleviate symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. If anyone considering participating in one, they should first discuss it with their healthcare provider or nurse, particularly if being treated for chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular or respiratory ailments.

Some practitioners still offer traditional hand-on treatments, while many now also provide distance sessions over phone or video chat, providing similar effects as having hands-on Reiki done directly on them.

Reiki sessions are deeply relaxing experiences and most participants report feeling calm during and after treatment. While some individuals may report being more tired in the evening than normal after receiving Reiki treatments, this shouldn’t be seen as negative; this may simply be your body releasing any blocked energy that was previously trapped inside it. Be sure to drink plenty of water to support recovery after each Reiki session.
