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Tom Paladino – Holistic Medical Expert, Scalar Energy Researcher & Humanitarian

Tom Paladino, Holistic Medical Expert and Scalar Energy Researcher & Humanitarian joins me today on the show to talk about his research with scalar energy. Scalar energy is the fundamental life force that pervades all areas of existence – it originates from sun and stars and can also be known by other names such as Chi, Prana OM Life Force or Pyramid Energy.

What is Scalar Energy?

Scalar energy has existed for centuries. It can be found throughout the universe and is believed to have powerful healing abilities; transmitting instructions directly into our cells so they may heal and rejuvenate themselves.

Scalar energy is thought to produce a field of energy that balances and organizes the seven chakras in our bodies, believed to be responsible for an individual’s emotional health and overall well-being. Scalar energy has been utilized by chiropractors and physical therapists in order to stimulate muscles, promote healing, and harness its positive power for global good.

Tom Paladino is an innovator in scalar energy research and has devised devices capable of sending instructive energy remotely to heal people remotely. His research shows how this type of healing energy can effectively treat quantum illnesses and conditions; further, it permeates our world, space and universe – drawing inspiration from Nikola Tesla who also studied radiant energy research.

According to Paladino, scalar energy is an inexhaustible form of energy which cannot be measured with traditional frequency instruments because it remains static. It occurs when two identical waves moving in opposite directions meet and cancel one another out to create an infinite field of stationary energy that can be broadcast anywhere without losing strength over time.

Scalar energy’s unique ability to imprint or embed frequencies within objects is truly fascinating. A pendant embedded with scalar energy may imprint the frequency of an individual’s DNA sequence onto metal until overridden by stronger frequencies.

Paladino has witnessed first-hand how powerful scalar energy can be for his listeners, with people experiencing improved sleep, decreased inflammation, balanced hormones, stronger nails and healing from COVID-19 as a result of using his products. He strongly encourages listeners to explore its many applications by signing up for a free trial of his products.

How is Scalar Energy Healed?

Scalar energy is an invisible universal force which can be harnessed for healing. As part of our fundamental life force, scalar energy has the ability to dispel pathogens within our bodies and promote optimal health. Tom Paladino is a pioneer in this field and in this episode of The Revelation Project Podcast features him discussing his journey of discovery and research regarding this quantum energetic force inspired by scientists like Nikola Tesla. Tom outlines its process while providing insight into its many benefits for those interested in harnessing it for themselves.

Scalar Energy can be transmitted over long distances without losing its potency, stored in objects like holographic discs and used to promote wellness. Scalar frequencies have been found to boost mood, increase stamina and strengthen the autonomic nervous system or ANS. Furthermore, this energy has the capacity to neutralize harmful electromagnetic frequencies or radiation associated with disease within our bodies.

As a result, this natural and harmonious energy can flow throughout our bodies, aiding nutrient uptake, purifying cells, harmonizing brainwaves and providing a sanctuary for healing to take place – acting as the perfect complement to the healing processes already taking place in our bodies.

Scalar energy can heal in one of several ways. One such way is when someone wants and intends to be healed, creating a positive scalar wave which alleviates suffering and supports healing processes – this phenomenon is commonly referred to as the Tesla Effect.

An individual can utilize sound, light and magnets to access and activate their own scalar energy, develop it further with crystals or capture representations with Kirlian cameras or their intuitive eyes.

A person experiencing hardship may produce internal negative scalar waves that compound their sense of helplessness, which may then be released via breath, words or actions from another person as well as environmental factors like radio waves, electronic devices or electromagnetic fields.

Scalar energy can help all survivors who wish to transform themselves into thrivers. To access it, the first step should be signing up for a remote scalar energy healing session for yourself or another. You may do this on a monthly basis until your health issue subsides or resolves completely.

Why is Scalar Energy Healed?

Scalar waves promote healing and equilibrium through their ability to resonate within the human energy field. Scalar wave frequencies can also be embedded into objects, where they will remain until overridden by another frequency.

Scalar energy has long been utilized by ancient cultures for various applications, from building Egyptian Pyramids to improving health and well-being and treating serious medical conditions. People who experience scalar energy healing typically report feeling revitalized, refreshed and more energetic as a result of treatment, while symptoms associated with illness or stress are reduced or eliminated altogether.

Scalar waves generated by our Sun and other stars throughout the Universe are rich with healing frequencies which can be harnessed for various uses, most frequently healing purposes. Ancient cultures worldwide have taken advantage of these energies for centuries for various healing applications ranging from sports training and recovery, to pain management and more recently cancer.

Scalar Energy is an immeasurable force permeating our world, space, and the Universe that forms the basis of all energy sources and is infinite. Tom Paladino has pioneered research on this subject by creating instruments to transmit instructive energy remotely for healing individuals remotely – inspired by Nikola Tesla who believed scalar energy held the key to humanity’s advancement.

Electromagnetic energy is widely utilized, yet scalar energy goes beyond conventional electromagnetics by not depleting over distance or disintegrating due to entropy, meaning it can be sent from one location to another without losing its potency.

Scalar energy’s main benefit lies in its ability to break apart and transmute matter, providing us with access to nutrients otherwise unavailable from digestion. Tom’s scalar energy instruments can access an individual’s quantum signature image and synthesize various nutrient forms like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals, fatty acids, collagen and enzymes for use during healing processes once pathogens have been eliminated from our bodies.

Scalar Energy Healed by Tom Paladino

Tom Paladino is an holistic medical expert, scaler energy researcher, and humanitarian with a mission of making an impactful difference in people’s lives. He specializes in scalar energy healing techniques which can effectively rid pathogens from our bodies while disassembling viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoan microbes from functioning normally – this episode offers him the opportunity to share his wealth of knowledge on this revolutionary energy field and its capacity for revolutionizing healing as well as life itself.

Scalar energy is the essential foundation of our universe and the primary force driving the Sun and stars. Responsible for forming molecular bonds throughout physical matter, controlling nature itself, instructive purposes, cognitive activities, spiritual pursuits and emotional engagement in all corners of existence, it forms the basis for spiritual, cognitive, emotional and cognitive activities alike in nature and throughout existence.

Individuals register on the Scalar Light website and submit a photo of themselves or loved ones they would like a scalar energy session on, using its harmonic signature technology to locate them and transmit scalar energy transmission directly. Each remote session lasts 30 minutes and must be repeated daily until an individual’s health issue has been alleviated.

Herpes simplex virus type 2 was successfully treated using a scalar energy pathogenic cleanse. This energy effectively negated ionic, covalent, and polar covalent bonds responsible for maintaining herpes virus assembly and caused it to disassemble into smaller proteins – this process is known as transmutation and forms part of nature’s fundamental laws of nature.

As a result, herpes virus can be completely eliminated and no longer exist within your body. Other infectious agents, including fungus, bacteria and viruses can be treated successfully using this protocol; pathogens will be neutralized using scalar energy and disassembled into smaller proteins as a result.
