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Crystal Resonance Therapy

Crystal resonance therapy is an innovative healing modality that utilizes vibrational frequencies and scalar energy to release any stagnant energies in the body and improve overall health. Crystal resonance therapy uses vibrational frequencies that target specific chakras in order to eliminate stagnant energies that have built up over time, helping you heal them while improving overall wellness.

Practitioners interview their client and conduct an energy assessment before placing an array of crystals on them while fully clothed. Once activated with binaural beats or frequencies, these crystals can then be focused through Vogel-cut quartz crystals into each of the chakras that represent energy within their bodies.


Crystal Resonance Therapy is an energetic healing modality designed to clear and transform physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. It considers all aspects of human existence by respecting and honoring states of consciousness that exist beyond and transcend personal (or personality) dimensions.

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Energy healing is an ancient, safe, and effective noninvasive energy healing practice that utilizes basic laws of energy movement and electro magnetic energies to shift energy blocks held within both your physical body and energetic field. Crystalline gems and stones placed strategically to form human body grids can amplify, decrease, redirect or release stagnant energies that reside in human energy fields allowing your body to move into harmony with the earth’s energetic field.

Combining crystals with other healing modalities can have powerful results on an energy system. Crystal structures possess regularly repeating atomic patterns that give them stable vibrational frequencies; this allows crystals to hold positive frequencies that can then transmit these to cells within our bodies for improved health and wellness.

CRT sessions involve clients lying fully clothed on a massage table while being examined by an experienced practitioner, who then places crystals beneath, on, around, and above their body. Each crystal chosen addresses specific areas where imbalance is holding back the client in life – for instance if there’s too much fire element chakra activity this could result in rashes and digestive issues; or a deficiency of earth element may manifest as feelings of being stuck or lacking motivation.


Crystals are used during sessions to amplify their frequency, helping clear emotional blockages and bring about deep healing. This process can be deeply relaxing; often clients will fall into an unconscious or sleep-like state as part of this practice. Other modalities like Reiki or Sound and Colour Vibrational Resonance Therapy may be included as part of these sessions to create a happy healthy home environment as well.


Crystal resonance therapy techniques such as crystal meditation can help individuals shed negative energy and foster a more optimistic perspective on life. Furthermore, such practices offer physical benefits like increased energy levels. Furthermore, these practices improve emotional stability – essential to overall health – as well as reduce stress that often causes illness in individuals. Furthermore, crystal therapy may increase overall wellness while strengthening connections to nature.

Crystal therapy’s basic principles are straightforward: crystals emit frequencies that can be adjusted to address various ailments. Sessions may consist of stimulating, calming or balancing frequencies to address individual needs – these frequencies have even been found effective against migraines, insomnia, depression and anxiety as well as supporting detoxification and weight loss!

Contrary to acupuncture, this healing modality places more of an emphasis on energetic health rather than physical. Crystals emit vibrational frequencies that resonate with subtle energy fields in our bodies, as well as having effects on physical structures and cell organization.

Crystal resonance therapy sessions involve using various stones to form a grid that covers your entire body. Each stone emits frequencies tuned specifically to you, aligning your energy field with that of Mother Earth.

Crystal resonance therapy sessions can help clear away stagnant energy that has the potential to cause health issues. Stagnant energy often arises when one chakra becomes unbalanced, leading to ailments like rashes or digestive disorders as well as blocking other chakras nearby.

Crystal resonance therapy can also be an effective way of detoxing the body by clearing away toxins from lymphatic vessels and relieving swelling from joints. Furthermore, this therapy method is safe and can treat several health conditions, including chronic pain and arthritis.


Crystal bowls produce resonant tones which have long been believed to promote healing on multiple levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual. Their sound frequencies correspond with specific energy centers known as chakras; for instance, F may stimulate the heart chakra to promote compassion while A resonates with third eye chakra intuition. Practitioners of holistic wellness therapy believe that all living things possess their own inherent vibrational frequency that should remain consistent within themselves; when this frequency becomes unbalanced due to stress, injury, illness or environmental influences then crystal bowls sound waves restore harmony back.

Crystal sound therapy has quickly gained ground in holistic veterinary medicine and pet wellness fields, with practitioners developing protocols tailored specifically for different species and conditions. As research continues to deconstruct its mechanism of action, crystal sound may one day join acupuncture and therapeutic laser as standard complementary therapies for animal well-being.

Before undergoing crystal resonance therapy, be certain that you work with a licensed veterinarian and certified holistic animal health professional. A qualified practitioner should possess advanced sound therapy training as well as knowledge in animal behavior and energetic medicine; additionally they should adhere to a code of ethics as well as stringent safety regulations when engaging in direct touch practices like vibrational therapy.

Your pet may be sensitive, so you should start sessions slowly and at low volume so as to not overstimulate them. Pay attention to their body language; stop the session immediately if any stress or discomfort signs surface; monitor geriatric or medically compromised animals more carefully during these treatments.

Crystal sound’s soothing tones can help ease anxiety and depression in emotionally distressed animals, as well as strengthen human-animal bonds in rescue/rehab situations. Furthermore, its soothing effects may reduce pain relief during surgery/anesthesia processes or enhance recovery afterwards.

Crystal resonance therapy is an effective solution for dogs suffering from frequent urinary tract infections. Its soothing vibrations may also relieve muscle spasms and joint pain in older dogs. Furthermore, its analgesic properties may reduce opiate medications while improving quality of life for pets with chronic illnesses like arthritis.


Crystal Resonance Therapy (CRT) is a form of energy healing involving the precise placement of crystals on or around the body in a grid-like pattern. Based on theory that crystals interact with human energies to heal physical and emotional issues, Crystal Resonance Therapy may interact with chakras to unblock energy flow while supporting physical wellbeing and promote overall well-being.

Some practitioners offer remote sessions using bio-resonance equipment. They may require you to provide samples (hair or nail), then talk with you over phone/Skype prior to starting their assessment which can take anywhere between an hour and two. Once complete, a report created from this analysis can help guide and identify next steps.

Additionally, some practitioners offer group crystal resonance classes where participants receive full-body array layout of crystals, sound healing, and meditation to explore the mineral kingdom. These low-cost sessions offer participants an incredible way to connect with their power while discovering all that crystals have to offer us!

Quantum Resonance 7 Chakra Crystal Bed offers an effective, natural, safe, and non-invasive means to reduce stress, realign energy flow, relax the body, and clarify thoughts and beliefs at the cellular level. This treatment uses crystals, light, sound, magnetics, scalar energy and orgone energy combined with client intentions for holistic approach to health and wellbeing; sessions typically last 20-30 minutes.


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