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Spooky2 Remote

Spooky2 Remote uses quantum entanglement to transmit healing frequencies, and also applies Rife frequencies using TENS pads or silver gloves for application. Its user-friendly design makes this device convenient.

Samples of DNA can be collected from nails, saliva, buccal skin cells, blood or hair. Over time, however, DNA degradation occurs; therefore it’s necessary to swap out your samples on an ongoing basis.

It’s easy to use

Spooky2 Remote is one of the most comprehensive Rife systems available today, featuring plasma, contact, remote PEMF and cold laser therapy modes as well as a revolutionary smart signal processor which quadruples power in contact mode and doubles it remotely for maximum effectiveness and its user-friendly interface makes getting started easy.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Spoty2 Remote utilizes a scalar field to transmit frequencies directly into DNA-linked cells, creating healing or harmonizing effects. It’s simple and user-friendly; LEDs will indicate whether it’s working. Unfortunately, some users may become confused as to why some LEDs don’t light up; this may be related to frequency, waveform amplitude or offset issues – there could be many complex reasons for why some don’t light up but knowing how to troubleshoot is vitally important!

Before beginning to use your Spooky2 Remote, it is necessary to connect and energize it first. After doing this, launch the software and choose presets or programs, such as shell presets which include software settings. Finally, to perform biofeedback scans.

After your biofeedback scan, Spooky2 will send frequencies into your body and monitor their impact. As it advances through, Spooky2 will attempt to stress, injure or kill any pathogens before correlating each “hit” with specific frequencies; eventually these frequencies are assembled into a program you can save and use to treat yourself in future sessions.


Use the remote to apply frequencies yourself, or purchase additional accessories for hands-free contact and PEMF applications such as TENS pads, silver gloves, socks, bands and internal electrodes; carbonized rubber hand cylinders are also available and come standard in most kits along with the Spooky2 Pulse biofeedback unit.

After using Spooky2 for several weeks, Sean Elliot noticed an impressive reduction in ant population around his house. Before using Spooky2, Sean had an intense ant problem and spent thousands on pesticides; while now using Spooky2, his problem has dramatically reduced with no side effects whatsoever compared to traditional baits!

It’s convenient

Spooky2 Remote provides an easy way to treat yourself without being tied down to a generator. It transmits healing frequencies using quantum entanglement – something out of Star Trek that really exists – as well as harnessing your DNA’s powers to transmit and receive frequencies. Use it anywhere around the world with just your DNA sample in hand; even while sleeping.

Spooky2 remote is compatible with various DNA samples, such as blood, hair, nails and skin cells. You can even use it with saliva samples or amalgam fillings! Plus it’s user friendly; select from various presets or programs easily! Plus it costs significantly less than most machines – purchasing directly from manufacturer is much faster.

Prior to using your Spooky2 generator for the first time, it’s wise to perform an initial signal transmission test using Spooky2. You can do this using Spooky2 software by selecting Miscellaneous Generator Signal Test (R) – JW from the Presets tab and running this signal test; both LED lights should flash four times every second for at least five seconds as an indicator that your signal has successfully transmitted.

Adjust the frequency of any program or preset by selecting Edit >Frequency Settings, entering values into each of the boxes, and pressing Save. Each new value will alter its frequency accordingly; for instance, square H-Bomb wave has a frequency value of 2, while sine H-Bomb wave has one of 6.

Connect the Spooky2 preset you wish to increase in power to a signal processor or amplifier and quadruple its contact mode output, enabling TENS pads and silver gloves for hands-free treatment. A good investment would be the Spooky Boost 2.0 signal processor, as its cable works with most Spooky2 models while providing pass through connections for each generator output.

It’s safe

Spooky2 remote uses quantum entanglement to transmit frequencies at a distance. While this might sound like something from Star Trek, this technology actually works remarkably well! This allows a wide array of Rife-style therapies to be delivered in one convenient package: contact mode therapy can use pads, silver gloves, socks bands or internal electrodes; biofeedback scanning using clips placed on either your earlobe or left little finger; as well as non-contact mode using plasma tubes PEMF laser cold laser or audio frequency entrainment.

The program features a database of frequencies to target specific types of pathogens. This includes settings designed to address bacterial and viral infections, parasites, molds, fungal infections, autoimmune diseases and many other conditions. You can choose between healing or killing presets depending on your goals; healing usually works better for generalized symptoms while killing may help target specific pathogens; both settings work to ease pain, reduce inflammation and boost immunity.

Additionally to the standard set of frequencies, you can customize user waveforms using the Advanced Menu and save them for use with each new frequency set that you load. Furthermore, carrier sweep programs targeting specific frequency ranges can also be created and saved for reuse when creating carrier sweep programs as an effective means to find both known and unknown pathogens.

Once you’ve developed your own frequency sets, the Preset Manager allows you to save them as frequency sets for later use. Simply select it from the list and click Start when applying a program; your frequency set will then automatically apply itself to DNA samples connected via the BN port of your generator.

Spooky2 provides another valuable feature in its ability to monitor all connected generators. This is particularly helpful when working with multiple clients at once and helps identify any issues as soon as they arise. Furthermore, this system can install drivers for each generator in relation to specific channels if necessary.

To prevent herx or frequency fatigue, the optimal voltage should be below 2 volts; higher voltages may quickly lead to this form of discomfort. Furthermore, drinking plenty of water during treatment is essential.

It’s affordable

Spooky2 remote transmitter uses quantum entanglement technology to deliver healing frequencies, similar to Star Trek. While the method may sound futuristic, it works just like Star Trek! In fact, Spooky2 is so flexible it can use TENS pads, silver gloves, socks, bands and internal electrodes as contact mode treatments while using hand cylinder and PEMF treatments remotely for distant treatments – making it one of the most advanced Rife systems on the market at an extremely competitive price point.

Spooky2 Plasma stands out from traditional Rife machines by using its original technology of Royal Rife to directly apply its frequencies without wasteful carriers; making it possible to access all its original frequencies directly and treat your entire body at once! Compared to most Rife machines that rely on carriers to send frequencies outwards, Spooky2 Plasma allows you to apply all Royal Rife frequencies without going through each part individually and treat everything at once!

Drink plenty of water when using this equipment as prolonged exposure could dehydrate the body. Furthermore, be aware of any instructions from health care professionals or potential contraindications before starting treatment. The device can help alleviate pain, boost immunity and heal bones and muscles faster.

The Spooky2 Central is more than just one Rife machine; it provides plasma, contact, remote, PEMF and cold laser modes. Equipped with an advanced signal processor that quadruples power when used in contact mode and doubles when remoted, and with a USB filter cable to reduce electrical noise from its generator, this machine offers something for every application of Rife therapy.

Spooky2 Central can store DNA samples safely, while LED lights indicate when programs or generators are running or connected – an invaluable feature that eliminates accidental running of programs or doubts about whether generators are present.

Spooky2 system is easy to set up and comes complete with a Quick Guide and video courses, making setup quick and efficient. Furthermore, its less costly compared to similar systems because sales don’t rely on distributors, affiliates, or promoters; additionally it is available directly from its manufacturer which eliminates extra shipping and distribution expenses.


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