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Radiesthesia and Dowsing

Radiesthesia, also known as Dowsing, dates back more than 7,000 years. This technique involves using pendulums to locate objects such as water or minerals using pendulums as indicators.

Medical dowsing is a specialized form of radiesthesia in which simple “pendular” instruments are used to identify frequency interactions within an individual’s energy system that could indicate allergies or other medical problems.

It is a form of divination

Radiesthesia is a type of divination which utilizes pendulums to uncover hidden information. Their movements may provide answers such as “Is there water underground?” or even if someone is guilty of an offense. According to theories surrounding Radiesthesia, pendulum movements may be caused by vibrations within an individual’s energy field – these vibrations can then be detected and read by trained dowsers.

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Radiesthesia can be applied in numerous fields, from health to feng shui and the detection of underground water sources. Additionally, this technique has been utilized by military units during both world wars as well as by researchers globally; additionally it helped Wilhelm Reich discover orgone energy and its uses.

Radiesthesia is an easily learnable skill with proper training and practice. To practice radiesthesia, one should find a quiet location without distractions to focus on concentration of mind, state their query (or mental designation of object to search for), imagine and direct his thoughts towards it until reaching resonance with it (this process should be repeated until reaching resonance with object or being).

Part of dowsing practice includes developing a Cadran of Radiesthesia that can serve as guidance. This chart can be as complex or simple as desired by the dowser; typically drawn as a semicircle and featuring words or numbers to correspond with specific points on a pendulum’s swinging motion, this radiesthesia chart can show changes over time regardless of distance from objects or people being charted.


Dowsing dates back to ancient Egypt where it was used as an exact science. Pharaonic surgeons would use it for complex brain surgeries that would be impossible today; geologists used it to locate gold mines; while Queen Elizabeth I invited German miners over from Germany to teach her people dowsing so they could discover and exploit mineral deposits more quickly.

It is non-invasive

Radionesthesia is a non-invasive practice that does not involve touching the patient or using physical force, making it one of the primary benefits of this technique. Patients can get better results with reduced pain. However, it should be remembered that an individual’s state of mind may impede results; to maximize effectiveness during radiesthesia sessions it is advised that they refrain from engaging in any activities which could increase stress or anxiety levels such as sports.

Radiesthesia involves using rods or pendulums to locate substances or diagnose illnesses. Ancient Egyptians and Chinese were familiar with this practice known as dowsing, dating back as far as 7,000 years. With its ability to detect energy fields, Radiesthesia has led to many alternative healing techniques including Radionics and Radiesthesia (dowsing for health).

Radionics and radiesthesia both operate under the assumption that everything in the universe has an energetic signature, emitting vibrational frequencies which can be detected by those with special abilities to do so. To analyze this data more effectively, practitioners use charts or Cadran charts which give an overview of your body’s etheric system so they can determine imbalances occurring and how best to correct them.

Ute Eden, Allergy Link founder, is an internationally certified Holistic Health Dowsing practitioner who trained with late Naturopath Alexander Zoltan (1994 – 1997). After translation his complete works into English she now teaches this method across north-east England.

Radiesthesia is a type of medical or health dowsing based on the belief that all objects and living beings emit electromagnetic waves that can be detected with special instruments called rings and pendulums. A dowser will pose questions to an individual regarding their body – for instance “Do you have any allergies or intolerances?” The ring/pendulum response then allows him/her to determine if there are energetic disturbances within that person’s system.

It is safe

Dowsing and radiesthesia, commonly referred to as pendulum dowsing or simply dowsing, have been practiced safely since ancient times as divination techniques. Used primarily for finding water, underground minerals and natural resources; as well as diagnosing illness or healing. Dowsing does not involve any complex techniques or chemicals and is easy for anyone to use without incurring unnecessary charges or chemicals being involved.

The Radiesthesia method is founded on the idea that all objects and living beings emit radiation at various frequencies that can be detected using pendulums and other dowsing instruments, giving rise to its nickname as a “psychic science.” Also referred to as biofield dowsing or energy medicine, this form of energy medicine dates back millennia when ancient craftspeople such as Egyptians, Etruscans, Medicis and others utilized this form of divination for healing purposes.

Human minds have long been thought of as acting like radio receivers for vibrations emanating from objects, living beings, and their environments. These vibrations may result from physical, electromagnetic, spiritual causes; and can be altered by gravity, sound, temperature, chemical energy release through thought/life actions/pressure/affinity/colour and other variables.

Radiesthesists possess an incredible talent of being able to detect vibrational frequencies of objects around them; those gifted in this skill are capable of pinpointing even invisible energies with pinpoint accuracy. But it takes skillful observation, focused attention, and asking a question in an effective manner in order to get an answer – be it yes or no – which must then be differentiated accurately and discerned because otherwise responses could prove misleading.

Radiesthesia can be performed either close by, or remotely; since radiesthesia operates energetically rather than with touch and hands. A trained practitioner can transmit energy directly into a person who needs healing; this will enable them to do it themselves and heal themselves more quickly.

It is effective

Radiesthesia is an ancient practice renowned for its effectiveness. Free from religious or spiritual belief systems, radiesthesia can be utilized for many different applications – everything from searching for water sources to locating natural resources and even treating health issues. Modern medicine tends to focus more heavily on measuring energy changes within specific organs or tissues while radiesthesia helps detect issues with other parts of your body as well.

Radiesthesia has long been used by civilizations such as Egypt, Etruscans and Medicis; more modernly by scientists using sophisticated instruments to measure air vibrations. While such instruments have since evolved to more complex versions using more complex principles of physics; nonetheless they remain effective tools for finding hidden objects like metal pipes or underground minerals as well as living organisms such as humans.

Not surprisingly, non-invasive tools have quickly gained in popularity within alternative medicine. Unlike more traditional techniques, these instruments don’t involve chemicals or radiation exposure and therefore make an attractive alternative for more invasive procedures that might cause side effects or delay healing time.

Some radioesthetists advise against working during stormy conditions due to magnetic and electromagnetic interference, although this advice may not always be necessary if using your instrument correctly. You should still take necessary precautions if there are electromagnetic anomalies present when using pendulums as part of their equipment.

Radiesthesia involves various techniques, such as pendulums and rods that have been around for centuries. Radiesthesia has long been used in metaphysical practices as an aid to divination; for example it’s often employed alongside tarot cards or palm readings to get answers about hidden treasure or items of significance.

Radiesthesia can also be used to diagnose conditions like bone infections or spinal injuries. Psoric disorders can also be identified and treated using homeopathic remedies, while emotional imbalances and what needs to be balanced within the body are identified and resolved through this technique. Radiesthesia makes an ideal complement to other therapeutic techniques like herbal therapy, homeopathy or psychotherapy.


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