What is Rife Therapy?
Rife therapy utilizes resonant frequencies to effectively destroy microorganisms, including those responsible for Lyme Disease. Many individuals who receive treatment experience lingering or recurrent infections known as Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome after receiving care.
Heffenger runs respiratory therapy groups for those suffering from chronic lung ailments such as COPD. She recently added harmonicas to the group – it has proven very popular! The patients love it!
What is Rife Therapy?
Rife therapy machines (which were named for their inventor, Royal Raymond Rife) use frequencies intended to disrupt or destroy disease-causing microorganisms, employing the principle of resonant frequency – where each disease-causing organism has an electromagnetic vibration or frequency associated with itself; Rife and his supporters believe that by finding that frequency and producing impulses at that exact frequency for specific diseases or viruses, pathogens will be killed off or disabled altogether.
Rife machines produce low-energy electromagnetic waves that penetrate the body like radio waves but with less strength. Dr. Apa uses his Spooky2 Rife Machine to generate these low-frequency waves in order to heal damaged cells and destroy harmful organisms within your system.
Spooky2 Rife Machine works by emitting frequencies that resonate with harmful bacteria, viruses and molds that resonant within their bodies, thus making them vibrate at rates fatally dangerous to them. Additionally, this process also stimulates your immune system, helping fight any recurrence of these pathogens once they have been eliminated from your system.
Not only can the rife machine eliminate harmful organisms, but it may also aid detoxification by creating frequencies to stimulate lymphatic systems and clear away debris left by their death before healing can take place. A side effect from some sessions may include Herxheimer reactions – symptoms including fatigue and flu-like symptoms that appear after receiving radiation treatments.
Though many have reported positive experiences from using Rife machines, most evidence supporting their effectiveness comes from uncontrolled or anecdotal studies. Scientific community has yet to assess rife therapy‘s benefits scientifically; however for people living with Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses rife therapy may provide relief from symptoms while improving quality of life.
Why Rife Therapy?
RIFE machines produce low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves that you cannot hear. Sound frequencies transmitted through your body resonate with different parts, killing viruses, bacteria, parasites and pathogens while helping damaged tissues heal more quickly – this therapy forms an integral part of our treatment of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses.
Royal Raymond Rife was an American scientist who discovered that each microorganism has its own specific frequency that, when exposed to another frequency, will kill it without harming healthy cells in the process. With this information at his disposal, Rife created his Rife machine.
This machine uses a frequency that resonates with Borrelia bacterium, the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease. When this frequency is applied to this resonant frequency of Borrelia bacteria, it kills them while simultaneously dissipating any remaining symptoms, such as joint pains or memory problems, associated with Lyme disease. Unfortunately, some individuals treated for Lyme with antibiotics still experience ongoing symptoms even though their blood tests show positive. This condition, known as Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTD), can be hard to diagnose as symptoms can often related to inflammation as well as bacteria present lingering presence within their bodies.
Many of our clients who visit us for rife therapy treatment for Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses have reported positive outcomes from the sessions, with improvements reported in inflammation, congestion and pain levels as well as increased energy levels.
Are you curious about Rife Therapy and want to discover its many advantages? Reach out to The Apathecary Natural Health Center now, where Dr. Anthony Apa, PharmD, CFMP is ready to meet with you for a consultation session or book one online now – call now or book now to start experiencing its many advantages!
Rife Therapy for Adolescents
Adolescents are unique individuals who often struggle with feelings of loneliness, sadness and depression. Adolescents also possess an extreme range of emotions ranging from joyous celebration to fierce anger – something their adult counterparts may take years to master. At this age they’re adapting to new environments, relationships and life itself while searching for their identity in this vast universe.
Adolescence can be a trying time for most teens, and even harder for those already facing mental health challenges. People living with anxiety and depression are often misunderstood by others and find it harder to find support or reassurance from others. Furthermore, adolescents are at increased risk of engaging in risky substance experiments that could lead to addiction in adulthood.
At such a critical moment in their lives, therapy can offer invaluable assistance for emotional struggles and choices that lead to healthy decisions. Furthermore, therapy teaches valuable techniques and skills that enable people to cope with life’s twists and turns; such as managing anger or feelings of depression while building meaningful and fulfilling relationships.
Therapists can also assist teens in becoming more assertive and accepting the risks involved with dating and intimate relationships – an integral step in becoming healthy adults.
Rife Therapy uses harmonic frequencies resonant with those produced by biological organisms to combat illness and improve overall body health. Scientists have studied different organisms and body cells under microscopes in order to ascertain their resonant frequencies; when harmful bacteria or viruses have their resonant frequency targeted, they can be effectively destroyed without disrupting natural body processes or harming any other cells in the process.
One of the more prominent applications for this technology is in treating Lyme Disease. By targeting the Borrelia bacterium’s resonant frequency, this approach can eliminate it during its dormant stage and stop further spread to other parts of the body.
Rife Therapy for Adults
Spooky2 Rife machines produce electromagnetic frequencies similar to radio waves but cannot be heard, that pass through your body and resonate with specific pathogens to disrupt them. This method effectively kills harmful bacteria, viruses and microorganisms without impacting on healthy cells or systems within it.
Rife therapy sessions are painless and noninvasive; no physical contact between practitioner and client is necessary. You simply sit comfortably while the practitioner uses plasma tubes that emit frequencies into their hands – the resonant frequency of these frequencies disrupt microorganisms without harming healthy tissue, while depending on your specific circumstances and condition, your practitioner will determine how many frequencies to use as treatment.
RIFE therapy can treat parasite infections, viral infections and various other conditions. It also supports and boosts physiological processes like sleep and circulation – something especially helpful for people suffering from Lyme disease caused by Borrelia bacteria that often manifest as fatigue, joint pains and memory problems.
Rife therapy can be an effective standalone treatment, or combined with other holistic approaches or dietary changes to maximize its impact on your journey towards wellness. If you’re curious to give Rife Therapy a try, consult your physician first and learn what options might work for you.
Due to the battery system, Rife Therapy should not be used near Pacemakers, Implanted Pain Modulators, Insulin Delivery Devices or Defibrillators as this could interfere with these devices and shut them off unexpectedly.
if you are uncertain whether Rife Therapy is right for you, it would be beneficial to seek advice from friends and family who have tried both approaches before making an informed decision based on your goals and personal preferences. You might be amazed by just how successfully Rife Therapy helps meet your health objectives!