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Salem Alternative Therapies is the Third Recreational Marijuana Store to Open This Weekend

Salem’s Alternative Therapies will become the third recreational marijuana store to open in Massachusetts this weekend and will begin selling to adults beginning Saturday.

Alternative therapies are non-traditional approaches that may assist in solving health issues. These may take the form of nutrition, physiological or physical therapies and practices such as yoga, meditation and massages.


Acupuncture is an ancient practice involving inserting needles into the body to treat pain and illness. Acupuncture falls under Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which believes health stems from striking an equilibrium between opposing elements; specifically yin and yang polarities. TCM believes life energy (known as Qi), moves along meridians or energy pathways within our bodies – when these pathways become blocked up, acupuncture can be used to unblock them and restore its flow – this allows TCM practitioners to understand this science more thoroughly than most Western practitioners do!

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Acupuncture can quickly relieve acute pain, while chronic issues require multiple sessions for effective results. Many people find acupuncture helps them manage chronic diseases such as depression or anxiety as well as alleviate nausea caused by chemotherapy or surgery treatments.

The World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health both recognize acupuncture as an effective therapy for many conditions, including addiction, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, depression, menstrual cramps, neck pain, respiratory problems, headaches stomachaches and women’s health issues. Acupuncture is usually combined with medication and physical therapy treatments; it may even help quit smoking! Acupuncture has positive impacts on nervous and immune systems while altering brain processes as well. Before receiving treatment from an acupuncturist it’s essential that any health issues be disclosed so as to avoid complications down the line! Before receiving acupuncture it’s important that any medical conditions be disclosed so your acupuncturist knows as soon as possible!


Massage involves manipulating various parts of the body with soft touch in order to relieve pain, relax muscles and enhance overall wellbeing. Massage therapy is commonly employed by yoga, osteopathy and chiropractic practitioners – as well as in hospices and units dedicated to mental health disorders – in order to relieve tension, relieve pain, relax muscles and boost blood circulation. Massage has many other applications besides pain relief; for example it can also reduce stress by improving circulation. Furthermore it promotes health benefits through reduced stress levels and enhanced blood circulation – not forgetting improved overall well-being through reduced stress reduction and improved blood circulation – commonplace among traditional and complementary therapies alike – with benefits being reduction of tension in stress reduction by improving blood circulation – improving stress reduction by decreasing stress and improving blood circulation being significant elements in overall well-being benefits compared with traditional health care settings like hospices or units where mental health disorders exist as well.


Massage not only brings physical benefits, but can also enhance mental wellbeing by creating feelings of relaxation and caring. Being cared for can make people more at ease discussing sensitive subjects such as addiction or mental health issues; additionally it can foster trust between therapist and client.

Professional massage therapists employ an arsenal of techniques that they can adapt to meet the specific needs of their clientele, such as effleurage, petrissage and kneading. Some may use essential oils added to the massage oil for their therapeutic benefits – these oils absorb through the skin for both pharmacological and olfactory effects. Massage can also stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system causing heart rate to slow and blood pressure to drop as well as aid digestion by decreasing bowel spasms as well as possibly treating IBS symptoms such as premenstrual tension or period cramps.


Yoga is an ancient practice designed to improve both physical and spiritual wellbeing. Through various exercises and poses, it focuses on relaxing your mind while strengthening your connection between body and mind. Yoga offers numerous advantages; including improving flexibility, strengthening muscles and even helping boost energy levels and relieve anxiety or stress.

Yoga emphasizes the importance of controlling your breath and focusing on breathing exercises known as pranayama, to manage emotions more effectively and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety. Furthermore, this breathing exercise may also help improve sleep at night by controlling heart rate and blood pressure; recent research showed how pranayama benefits cardiovascular systems by slowing pulse rates while increasing oxygen flow.

Yoga has quickly become an effective form of exercise and stress management, increasing flexibility, balance and endurance while increasing flexibility. If you want to experience its full effects, however, certification by an expert trainer should be your goal. A yoga teacher will guide you through various poses while helping to teach proper breathing techniques so that your practice produces optimal results – in addition to being able to customize their teachings to your unique needs and capabilities.


Reiki is an alternative therapy that uses energy to heal the body. Reiki practitioners believe it works by stimulating the biofield, an electromagnetic field encompassing and permeating all living beings, which includes heart, brain and other organs as well as stretching 15 feet from them – this energy flow may help the body regain balance more easily and promote healing by helping bring balance back.

Reiki may help reduce stress and anxiety. Before embarking on this or any other alternative treatments, however, be sure to speak to your physician first – in particular if combining any alternative therapies with conventional medical treatments.

Practitioners should discuss any risks related to Reiki with their patients as well as disclose its spiritual aspects, which are in keeping with cultural competency standards, including those regarding respecting spirituality and beliefs of patients. The USCCB document on Reiki offers guidance for doing this.

One study discovered that people who received Reiki sessions experienced increased levels of positive mood and sleep, lower depression and anxiety levels and an improved heart rate variability (which measures variation between heartbeats). This suggests that hands-on Reiki helped shift autonomic nervous systems toward parasympathetic states associated with rest and recovery.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies have long been an alternative therapy option for many. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, patients with mild illnesses should explore natural treatments first before seeking more drastic medical approaches. Natural medicines may help alleviate pain, insomnia and anxiety – although not suitable for everyone; those with psychiatric disorders should only use these medicines under physician’s guidance.

Boutique Wellness in Salem, Oregon is a medical and recreational marijuana dispensary committed to creating pleasant experiences for its customers. Their friendly staff works closely with each customer in finding their ideal cannabis product for them.


Meditation is a mind-body practice used for centuries by various religious and spiritual traditions to reduce stress, improve psychological balance, speed healing, enhance overall wellness and combat illness. There are different kinds of meditation practices such as guided, group and one-on-one mediation as well as breathing exercises, chanting and visualization; to fully inform healthcare providers of any supplements you use it is important that all forms of CAM be reported on in full detail.

Meditation offers numerous health advantages, ranging from reduced symptoms of anxiety or depression, increased ability to focus attention, improved sleep quality, decreased blood pressure and heart rate as well as greater emotional stability. Meditation has also been found to increase brain size and grey matter density as well as boost intelligence and creativity as well as decrease irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia symptoms as well as improve memory retention while encouraging healthier lifestyle habits including regular physical activity.

For meditation, find a quiet spot and sit comfortably. Close or partially open your eyes with soft gaze; close them slowly or keep them slightly open; close or keep eyes slightly open with soft gaze – then begin quietly repeating one word – such as the ancient Christian prayer word, “Maranatha,” or a four-syllable mantra like “Om.” Repetition allows the thoughts and images that arise to fade away with each repetition – this process should continue day after day.


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