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Biophoton Therapy by Johan Boswinkel

Fritz-Albert Popp made the first discovery that living cells emit biophotonic light. From there, Boswinkel conducted further research and created an apparatus to assess and correct electromagnetic frequency signals – now known as Chiren.

Biontologists use Chiren to measure acupuncture points that overlap with biophoton “highways”. Their measurements help invert chaotic light and strengthen coherent light.

What is Biophoton Therapy?

Biophoton therapy is a noninvasive and light-based treatment designed to restore your body’s inherent healing powers through photons. Invented by Dutch physicist Johan Boswinkel, biophoton therapy uses photons emitted by living biological cells as weak electromagnetic light impulses called biophotons to restore wellness in those experiencing health issues such as chronic inflammation. When biophoton levels become disturbed in any way, you could experience issues like chronic inflammation. Biophoton Therapy promotes self-regulation to quickly diminish impactful microorganisms such as viruses fungi bacteria protozoa and worms to restore wellness quickly.

Your cells emit biophotons with an intricate mix of coherent and chaotic light waves, matching up with electrical resistance measured at acupuncture points as identified by German electroacupuncturist Reinhard Voll in the 1940s. Based on his research, Boswinkel created the Chiren(r) instrument in 1983 to measure and repair light emissions for his clients.

At a biophoton session, your biontologist tunes into your body by using glass rods in your hands or feet to detect chaotic light sources within. He then uses his Chiren instrument to correct them using filters of light; the resultant filtered light then gets distributed back into your system where healthy cells receive it; this cycle continues in millions of corrective cycles per second.

Biophoton sessions are non-painful and do not involve using medications or supplements; neither biontologists nor patients require medications in order to complete one. Since energetic imbalances measured and corrected don’t always manifest physically or show up on diagnostic tests, but biontologists can still identify which areas of your body have imbalances that need addressing so your immune system can act accordingly and restore normal function.

Biophoton Therapy sessions help your immune system restore the health of cell membranes within your body, while simultaneously rebalancing energy within it to release and eliminate pathogens that are causing health issues for you. Safe and noninvasive, Biophoton Therapy treatments may be used for a wide variety of health conditions – so contact our office now if interested!

How does Biophoton Therapy work?

Biophoton Therapy is founded upon scientific study of light-emitting properties of cells. It works on the principle that our bodies emit electromagnetic impulses called biophotons as energy to function optimally. Cells use biophotons for communication purposes as well as sending growth, repair and regeneration signals for tissues, organs and joints. Stress, poor diet and limited exposure to nature all disrupt biophotons which in turn interfere with natural functioning of both individual cells as well as our overall body as an entity. Biophoton Therapy seeks to correct these disturbances so as reestablishing natural equilibrium within.

BioPhoton Therapy is an non-invasive therapy that does not use any drugs or chemicals, making it safe and effective treatment for adults and children alike. Sessions last only a few minutes with clients being able to either lie down or stand during them – the frequency of treatments depends on the condition being addressed as well as any medications or supplements being taken by each client.

Robert Rodgers of Parkinson’s Recovery podcast interviewed Johan Boswinkel of The Institute for Applied Biophoton Sciences and inventor of Chiren device. Boswinkel explained how this technology had restored health and vitality in many clients suffering from neurological conditions like Parkinson’s.

The Chiren device is a biophoton therapy instrument that detects and treats imbalances that contribute to various health conditions. It does this by measuring body’s vibrational frequency (or oscillation), which determines cellular communication and function. Once identified, this instrument sends back light with specific wavelengths designed to treat that particular imbalance as well as informational remedies or countersignals to support your natural healing processes.

Targeting specific areas of the body with this device is particularly effective at treating musculoskeletal conditions, such as neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, rheumatism, varicose veins, chronic skin diseases and gynaecological concerns. Furthermore, its targeting capabilities also offer relief from emotional or mental disorders like anxiety and depression.

What are the benefits of Biophoton Therapy?

Antibiotics and chemical drugs may be effective treatments, but Biophoton Therapy stands out as an alternative with no negative side effects that works to enhance natural healing abilities of our bodies. Based on research that showed all living biological cells emit light – otherwise known as photons or electromagnetic impulses – this therapy has proven itself as a highly successful means to address chronic illness as well as conditions previously considered unsolvable.

At each Biophoton Therapy session, an experienced Biophoton Therapy specialist uses glass rods or plates in your hands or feet to identify any weak meridians (channels of energy flow) which have become weak or out-of-balance, before using Chiren to invert chaotic light and amplify coherent light; neutralizing disturbing signals while strengthening healthy frequencies to create balance in the body and start the healing process from within. Once these processes have taken place, the root cause of imbalance will have been eradicated so your body can start healing itself and starting in itself!

Johan Boswinkel was the director of a travel agency in New Zealand and an accomplished businessperson, but was suffering from fatigue and exhaustion as well as chronic allergies. Following advice from his secretary, he visited an acupuncturist who administered treatment that left him feeling revitalized and vibrant; they shared with him an article written by German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp regarding cells emitting an extremely faint light known as biophotons which made a difference.

Boswinkel quickly immersed himself into Popp’s work, researching homeopathy and acupuncture before designing his first machine in 1983 to measure and repair light emissions of humans. Soon thereafter he began treating cancer patients, and quickly discovered how biophotons played an essential part in improving their health.

The Chiren is an effective, painless biophoton therapy session. Sessions are highly relaxing and have no known side effects; usually 4-12 treatments will suffice, although overtreating one area could prove too taxing on its system.

How many Biophoton Therapy sessions will I need?

Assuming no other physical or energetic interventions are being done, four to twelve sessions should be enough to restore biophoton coherence. Results may be seen quickly depending on your condition. This form of energy healing is generally safe for most people and does not interfere with medications or supplements taken by clients.

Johan Boswinkel of the Netherlands devised this technology based on his discovery that all living cells emit light emission known as biophotons – weak electromagnetic light waves emitted by all living cells. Multiple scientific research studies have demonstrated that all living organisms release photons, playing an essential part in maintaining cell health. Boswinkel created the Chiren instrument in the early 1980s for qualitative measurements and analyses of biophoton light emissions from our bodies. Chiren can assess and identify which of the acupuncture meridians that intersect with our biophoton highways are out of balance, leading to disease or disorder, in order to correct them and reverse any chaotic light waves into coherent ones, neutralizing disharmony while reinforcing healthy pathways.

Through Chiren Therapy we are able to assist the body in re-establishing healthy communication channels among all cells within its physical structure and also its master control system – the Human Body Field. Chiren can also assist the body in recovering its natural healing abilities.

Biophoton Therapy is a noninvasive form of treatment which introduces light frequencies directly into cells in the body. There are no adverse side effects and it’s safe for use by almost everyone, except those who have heart valve or blood vessel implants, an artificial blood vessel/tube implant or surgically placed stents.

As part of your treatment, you lie comfortably while your practitioner positions the Chiren on or around your head and shoulders. Each session typically lasts only minutes and may be administered up to twice weekly; more frequent treatments could overburden the body and slow its own healing processes.
